Wednesday, October 21, 2009


So, we recently wrapped up the Excel portion of the class. Now, I knew Excel was very useful for business professionals, so I never felt it would be of any use to me personally. I was wrong. It turns out that Excel can be a tremendous help in an academic setting (especially college) as well as at home. Excel 2007 comes equipped with several common and important mathematical and statistical formulas that can be used to help you on your assignments. Since the formulas are already set, all you have to do is enter the missing data and you'll get your answer immediately. There are even engineering formulas available. Excel also comes with templates to help with budgeting and financial planning. It can help you figure out car payments, plan for fundraisers, and prepare budgets for college or Christmas. Excel has something for everyone.

Here's an interesting tidbit, you can even make an awesome Spirograph with Excel!

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